Reflections of an Avian
Great Egret by Greg Frucci
Perhaps it is the Freedom in them...
Perhaps it is the Grace sensed...
Perhaps it is the mere Simplicity of Life sought...
Whatever "it" is, I love every flowing moment I'm in their presence.
I wonder...
Does an Avian know precisely where it will go upon waking up? Perhaps at first in order to begin the hunt. Yet, whatever happens in any given moment, will dictate where it goes next...perhaps.
So, does an Avian know where or how it will end its day before going home?
Of course Avian is free. And the choice is dictated by the present, not a post-it-note task list.
Photo by me with my Canon R5 using a 100-500mm Canon Zoom Lens: ISO-640, f/7.1, 1/640 sec, 500mm