Life is a Pilgrimage to Self. So explore, dream and be Fearless about it.

on deck at bow in bermuda.jpg

Who I Am

Who Am I?  

Salto do Cabrito Waterfall in the Azores of Portugal. Photo by Greg Frucci, 2023

The short answer is simple:  I am just like you and come from exactly the same place.  Love.  What is that to me?  God...or whatever you wish to call's not my purview to judge any other human for what label they wish to name that which has no human given name.  My human name just happens to be Greg and I no longer identify myself by the titles I have now or have had in the past.

I spent seventeen days alone in the Atlantic Ocean during Hurricane season on a thirty-foot sailboat and sailed into a developing tropical system as a "novice" sailor on a boat not designed to do that.  

"So what?" you ask, perhaps.  

Simply put, I include that fact in this description of who I Am, because that single event changed everything about who I thought I was into a Knowing of who and what I Am.  Given the massive trans-formative events of the sailing adventure, I now live life in ways I only dreamed of before taking to the sea alone.   

I've been told that my "healing modality" is Storytelling.  As a simple dude, just sitting around a campfire or a living room, I recant true personal stories of experiences (some intense) that all contain lessons embedded in them. Professionally as an Author and a Speaker, I serve the world by telling stories through word and voice of challenging Adventures in a way of applying the obstacles I faced to you. In a funny way, that ability also assists me in assisting others in the creation of Architecture.

Life is indeed wild and I love the path I am on. Recently in 2023 to the present moment in 2024, as I write this, I have found that I have a way of telling stories through my photography. Below is an automated scrolling gallery of photographs that I have captured on my Canon R5 while traveling on photography journies including the Azores of Portugal, Thailand, and Cambodia. More photography journies are planned and in process.

Prasat Preah Khan Temple near Siem Reap, Cambodia. Photo by Greg Frucci, 2024.

If I state, "I am a white guy," I would be in separation by drawing a line between me and all females regardless of race or other peoples notions of what it means to look like me on the surface of my skin.

"But Greg, that is who you are."

To some perhaps, as they see me in a picture or walking down the street. If that is as far as they can go, then they are stuck in their ego...the small, finite self. That is simply the surface of my human body. That is not who I am. 

Who I Am, is a child of God, just like you and everyone else on this planet despite what any religion, government or any human-created system of control wants you and I to believe. 

So, I separate myself from that separation, which becomes a path to Freedom. Choice is our Divine Right as humans and I stand in my dominion over any human who would try and force me to believe otherwise.

The only thing I separate myself from...
is separation itself...

The few lines above this is merely a simple illustration of a Fear-based creation...separation.  Once you fuel separation, you fuel Fear.  Fear feeds upon itself and creates more Fear.  If you think you are stuck in Life, then you are in Fear about something.  You do not have to be stuck, nor do you have to be in Fear.

I Am Eternal and so are You.  I Am Light with human-created shadows and so are You.  We are the same.  We are connected.  We are capable of anything we wish and full of infinite possibilities.

In short, I Am Love.

After getting stable in freefall on the 2nd jump of the day, another skydiver, Carlye, started flying over to me with a fist out and I got it on video. This was cool since we exit at 5,000 feet, which only gives a few seconds of freefall before we open.

When an opportunity arises, take it. Fist bump while falling towards the earth at around 120 mph...sure...why not? LOL.

What do I do?

Angkor Wat Temple in Cambodia Framed by another temple. Photo by Greg Frucci, 2024.

I serve my fellow humans regardless of race, religion, political beliefs or connection to any human created systems of control through my Architectural Design abilities, my speaking, my ability to feel who you are at your core and assist in guiding you to where in life you wish to go.  I do not make decisions for others, I assist in guiding others to make decisions for themselves through my way of being.

Telling stories on stage, video and audio.  

I love the creative process, so I constantly make stuff...paint, draw, write, edit my high definition video footage from my sailing adventure and little stuff like sanding down driftwood I find on the beach.

I love creation.  By that I mean, the act of creation...I am an artist and have been my entire life.  It is one of the things I was "made for."  When some see the word, "artist", thoughts can go to painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.  Yet for me, if you create are an artist.  So, if you are in the process of actively creating say...your life as you wish to live are an artist.  If you are helping others in the creative process of are an artist.  I could go on for pages, but I feel you get my drift.  Never let anyone judge you when they tell you that you are not something if you feel in your Soul, you are.  I don't anymore.

So, My art consists of the following (by the way, I choose to capitalize the 'M' in My because I am referring to Soul and not ego):

  1. I do paint, draw, and design buildings. I worked for twenty years as an Architect after graduating with Honors from Carnegie Mellon University in 1984 with at Bachelor of Architecture Degree. A sampling of my work can be viewed by clicking the link above or HERE.

  2. I am a Huffington Post Blogger. You can read my posts on the Huffington Post by clicking HERE.

  3. I am a Published Author of two books with more on the way. Surf over to the pages about my books by clicking HERE.

  4. I am a Professional Speaker and member of the YPO/WPO Speaker Bureau. If you are a member of the YPO and would like me to speak at one of your events, please feel free to hit me up at and I will contact them. Or, you can email the YPO to set it up:

  5. I've even done some Professional Acting. My Agent is Anne Greene of Talent One. You can contact her by sending an email to: TLNTONE@AOL.COM Some of my acting work can be seen by going to my Vimeo page by clicking HERE.

  6. As of 2023, Photography has become another deep passion. Much of my time these days is spent with a camera in my hand while traveling beyond my current home.

I recently had the honor of hearing Greg speak at a YPO/WPO Regional University. Greg’s harrowing and near-death experience at sea opened a door that transformed his life forever. Greg presents this transformative experience in an authentic and down-to-earth manner that permits the audience to plug into the raw emotion of the situation Greg faced in a manner that is uniquely impactful. Greg brings more value-add to his engagements than just the time he spends on the stage presenting. As a result of Greg’s transformative experience he has become deeply involved in spirituality and meditation. Greg led several meditation sessions for the group during the University and provided a wealth of insights into this topic throughout the 4 day University. I highly recommend Greg as a passionate and engaging resource for any YPO/WPO or similar education or speaking event.
— Mark Gordon, President at Odyssey Marine Exploration and member of the YPO/WPO via a LinkedIn recommendation

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do.
— Rumi

What do I want?

It is simple...I want to create change in a peaceful way.  I want to help my fellow humans, regardless of gender, race, religion, culture, politics or whatever, to uncover their passions with their destinations being what their purposes are in this life we all share.  I want to live in Peace and to not be controlled by others.  

I want Love and I have it.  

What is My Purpose?

To be a Lighthouse for others to see a way Home.

To radiate Peace.

To help others find their True actually already know where It is...It may be simply covered up by shadows.  Shine your Light upon the darkness and the darkness will vanish...for Light will always eliminate darkness.

To Love unconditionally...everything.

My Purpose is to Awaken to my True Self (which is a process)…Be that way while inspiring others to do the same. All while not speaking…just being.

What am I grateful for?

I am in Gratitude for Life.

I am in Gratitude for the Light between the cells of this body.

I am in Gratitude for all of the experiences of My life thus far, for they have created lessons. 

"the Bermuda Longtail" drawing by greg frucci. copyright 2011.

"the Bermuda Longtail" drawing by greg frucci. copyright 2011.

There is an endless net of threads throughout the Universe...
The horizontal threads are in space...
The vertical threads are in time...
At every crossing of the threads...
There is an individual...
And every individual is a crystal bead...
And every crystal bead reflects not only the Light from every other crystal in the net...
But also every other reflection throughout the entire Universe.
— Reg Veda
Photo by Patricia Roseman

The Longtails [White-tailed Tropicbirds] of Powell Cay, Bahamas. Video by Greg Frucci, April 2023