Remember Who You Truly Are
Photo of Greg Frucci by Patricia Roseman, 2024
Quick Bio of Greg Frucci:
I graduated from Carnegie Mellon University in 1984 with Honors receiving a Bachelor of Architecture Degree. I took a twelve-year break from Architecture due to burn-out, but I’m back at it again with a new purpose and new energy. The designs I’ve been coming up with for a few private clients and for myself are the best I’ve ever created.
I am the author of the Path of Three Hundred series of books, published by Balboa Press, a Division of Hay House. All based upon a solo sailing adventure in the Atlantic during the break from architecture. I’m writing the second one now.
I am also a professional speaker for the YPO/WPO. They hired me to speak about the sailing adventure. My resume is a bit eclectic, although some have just called me a nutjob. I can laugh about it since my memories are incredible over the last 60 years plus.
In January of 2016, I was asked by Hay House Publishing to create a Master Class for the 2016 Hay House World Summit along with Thought Leaders, Deepak Chopra, Dr. Wayne Dyer, and others. During an interview with Best-Selling Author, Nancy Levin, I created the lesson, "Run Towards That Which Scares You!" My lesson on the Summit was very well received with hundreds of comments and emails from the people whose lives have been changed in a wonderful way. The 2016 Hay House World Summit ran live online from May 7-26, 2016.
Imagine For A Moment That You Take Off - What Do You Hope To Find?
What if our entire lives were a Pilgrimage? Perhaps the destination is Knowing more than what we think we are.
I've been thinking about the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage route for years. The "Way of St. James" from St. Jean Pied de Port, France in the Pyrenees Mountains to Santiago, Spain on the Atlantic coast.
There are several different routes. The original and the one most traveled is the ancient pilgrim path called the "Way of St. James," also known as Camino Frances. Thirty-three stages are broken down into thirty-three stops along the 482-mile roughly a month of walking.
I would love to read "The Book of Love and Creation" by Paul Selig each morning prior to setting out along the path. The book is set up as a thirty-day read, one day at a time.
Wake up. Meditate. Eat breakfast. Read a "day" from the Selig book out loud. Walk to the next stage during the day while thinking about what I read in the morning and how it applies to life before setting out. Get a room in a pilgrim hostel or hotel upon arriving at the next stage. Get clean. Eat dinner. Chat with fellow pilgrims or not. Sleep. Repeat the process until the book and the path are completed in Santiago, Spain.
I've read "The Book of Love and Creation" a few times already. This one is the second in a series. I've read them all at least once and each time, I've read them out loud to another person. There is something about speaking each word to myself and another as opposed to silently reading entire phrases or sentences at a time in my mind.
“I am in my knowing that I am one with a Creator, [God], a frequency, whatever you wish to call it, that unifies me with all that I see before me, and I am one with my brother [and sister] in love. I am Word through this knowing of myself as one with my brother [and sister] in love. Word I am Word through this intention. Word I am Word.”
I see walking this ancient pilgrim route while reading the book each morning, with another person. A fellow human being who is on the classic pilgrimage path to self. Navigating the outer world we see, while navigating the inner worlds of us with a clear destination of Knowing who and what we are.
Knowing this creates a profound action from within the self: a desire to be in service as Love. If one is in service to the world as Love, then a profound Legacy has been created. "He or she could do no harm to anyone. He or she was the embodiment of Love in human form. He or she brought this planet closer to peace for the betterment of their children and the children of all of us."
The Young Hawk: A Message When Needed, Yet Not Asked For
June 24, 2016: Early in the morning...
After my morning meditation, I was sitting in the grass with my dog while looking at an adult hawk sitting on a tree limb above me. Over the past month, this became part of my morning ritual. Two adult hawks have a nest near the top of a tall pine tree located on the property where I live.
As I sat there, out of the corner of my eye, I saw something big fly toward the house. I heard a loud noise and knew a large bird hit a sliding glass door. Lucky took off running and arrived before I could. Screeching to a halt after a full sprint, I saw Lucky sitting on the ground staring at a hawk laying on it's back, eyes closed, breathing and out cold.
I didn't have time to go get a towel or something else to wrap around my hands, nor do I have bird of prey gloves laying around. Yes, I could have taken off my shirt and put it around my hands, but I didn't think of that little trick until later. I was acting in the moment as I gently put my right hand under his head. He snapped out of his delirium for a moment with eyes focusing on mine. I froze for a moment as he drifted back into unconsciousness. While he was out, I gingerly slipped my left hand under his back and lifted him up as I stood. While walking him to a cushioned bench to set him down, he woke once more. He did not struggle. He just stared into my eyes. A few moments later, I set him down upon the cushioned bench.
the best seat on an airplane. :)
Let go…