SoupTank Podcast Interview: "Running Toward Your Fear" With Greg Frucci
To encourage the practice of Consciousness, Authenticity and Balance in the personal, public and professional lives of its members.
To be the world’s #1 source of education, communication and support for those people who seek to practice Consciousness, Authenticity and Balance in their personal, public and professional lives.
Be Real !
Upon listening to the lesson I created for the 2016 Hay House World Summit, Darren Christianson of SoupTank, contacted me about doing this interview on his podcast show. Based upon listening to his Vison and Misson statements, I knew immediately he and I are in alignment.
Darren asked me questions about Awakening. The subject has been brought up before, but not in the direct way in which Darren posed the questions. I answered in the way I love answering probing questions...telling stories of experiences in life.
In the podcast, I begin with the story of one of the most defining trigger moments in my life thus far...the storm at sea. Yet, through his questions, we touch upon details of the rejuvenation process in a way I have not done before.
Click play and give it a listen.
“In this SoupTank interview I talk to author, painter and life coach, Greg Frucci. Greg and I discuss his fantastic sailing journey into the eye of a tropical storm, how that contributed to his personal transformation, his passionate pursuit to confront his fears, and how he is helping others to pursue a conscious, authentic and balanced life. Great interview.”