Welcome To My New Virtual Home
Whenever we walk away from something... we are also walking towards something else... change.
I was using a WordPress blog as my website for over five years up until this moment. Wordpress was an awesome way to begin this web presence journey. However as I progressed over the course I set sail upon, I realized something...Time for a change after just thinking about it for many years.
We do things the same way because it is comfortable...
even when we know there is something better...
even when we know our Self wishes to grow...
we remain stuck with what we know because of the comfort...
yet, there is excitement dwelling within the unknown from the perspective of the human mind...
and the Soul smiles as we take the Jump even if it is as simple as changing a website.
Today, February 19, 2016, I launch my new website. Over the course of time, I will add more to both this blog and the site itself. Nothing is ever "finished", I believe. Our lives are constantly changing. Thus, the surfaces we project into the world must reflect the changes our bodies go through. Our Souls are the same. Over time, as we listen to our Inner Voice, our purpose begins to become clear. Our bodies cannot handle everything at once, so we must go through the physical changes of human life. And our Souls smiles as we continue along the paths destined by our Souls to take...
More later...
Peace to you as you navigate life.