Greg Frucci

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What Might Be? Perhaps Accept What Is And Go From There

When we feel the passion of a personal experience such as an Adventure into the unknown, that very passion rises to the surface of our being as we express love not as an emotion, but as a Way of Being.

We each create from that place.  Whether one considers himself, herself, an artist or not.  We create with every thought we have.  The trick is to know where the thinking comes from.  Ego...or something within each of us which is infinitely more powerful.

Originally an email as it was written to someone I call, Muse:

Gifts from the One...
connections from all directions on the compass rose not expected nor sought by the Voyagers...yet...
they have become the most powerful ever experienced by either soul...I felt the Power upon the indigo sea...
this we have shared...this I accept...a gift to us from above...
Gifts from the One...
an ability to translate who we are...
the unseen to the dimension we all perceive...
yours is the lens...mine is the pen...a gift to us from above...
Merely two of many gifts from the One...
one of of Love...together the gifts become whole...One.

So, perhaps accept the gifts we are given.  No matter what they are.  And go forward from the acceptance of them in the present moment.

And by gifts I mean not only our talents whatever they may be, but also the experiences we have.  We create them.  We bring them to us.  Even the ones that suck.  

And the ones that suck will become our greatest teachers if we allow them to.  As we accept in the present moment and feel the lessons, the way forward becomes clear as the fog lifts with the sun shining once again...and it always will.

Love becomes easier this way as we feel the strength of the Knowing the gifts have brought to us.

With this Knowing, now I Know I can truly Love the One I Love.