Greg Frucci

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We Are All Exactly What We Say We Are

No one can choose to Be Who They Are...but You.

If you walk into a room with hate on your mind, then that is exactly what you will get back.
If you give hate, you will receive hate.

If you walk into a room and you are angry at whatever, then that is exactly what you will get back.
If you give anger, you will receive anger.

If you walk into a room with sadness about anything, then that is exactly what you will get back.
If you give sadness, you will receive sadness.

If you walk into a room and spew something revolting at those you see before least have the common courtesy to bring some toilet paper.

I've created each of the above and below in the past and I've witnessed it in others, which is why I know them all to be Truth. Think for a moment...

So, why choose to do that? Fear. And when you are in Fear, you will create more fear...spreading it to everyone you see before you. Are you cool with that? I'm not.
Hate is a cowardly action. Hate is easy to spew. Hate is a fear-based emotion born out of a weak-mind which has taken control over who and what we truly are in our essence.

LOVE takes courage and aligning myself to Love is how I will open up a can of whupass on hate.

Some will say that Love is a weakness.


Love is the Ultimate Strength.

Not Loving your fellow humans regardless of skin color, religion, or whatever is a cowardly action because you are scared of something...and that something is actually in you.
Every single human has the power to choose how they show up. Toss blame if you want...that is your free will granted to you by God (or whatever you wish to call IT...I do not judge because that is a right I do not have as a child of whatever you wish to call IT).

Choose to blame others for hate, but if you participate in a hateful action, then you are party to hate and you will create more hate.

Is that what you want for yourself, your family, your children, your grandchildren and the future of this planet?

If you say, I hate [fill in the blank], then you become hate. You are what you say you are.
The cool thing is this...
You can change your choice...any choice in an instant.

Changing to a Loving way of Being happens at a grass roots level. It starts with you. It starts with me. It starts with each of us.

If you go out into the streets right now and spew hate, you will get it back.

If you go out into the streets right now and do the opposite of any fear based emotion like hate, anger or sadness, you will get Love back.

Try it. Try Being Love. I dare you.  I double-dare you.